Saturday, May 23, 2015


I've been away from the cyber world of late - living in the real world - with gardening, plants, and family!
Our family dug our vegetable garden out by hand and...
also dug out some new landscaping in front of our house.
Blooming daisies
Loaded Rose Bushes

New Mint Plant
Fun pot of annuals.
Hope you're enjoying the beautiful weather where you live -- 
Happy Memorial Day week-end to all my USA friends!


Christine said...

You have been busy and the roses are marvellous! Looking really summery!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Kelly-Anne said...

Such a lovely, 'springy' post! What fun to take a peek into your life and the beautiful place you live in... Your roses are so gorgeous! I have always wanted roses in my garden...perhaps one day!
Enjoy your gardening...working in the garden in sprintime is truly delightful and I love listening to the birds singing and feeling the fresh, crisp sunshine on my skin...*happy sigh*...
Hugs and have a happy week!

Conniecrafter said...

Your landscaping looks wonderful, I was telling my hubby I would like to do that but he looked at me like, do you know how much work that would be to do, so I imagine it isn't going to happen :( We had quite a bit of storms go through last night, but hoping the sun decides to peek out here today!

Jennifer said...

Hi Esther! I've been away for too long. You've been creating so many lovely things and enjoying family!
I'm just getting back into things myself. Life is full and God is good!
Praying you have a lovely day! :)