Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Puppy Dog Birthday Party

Today my daughter turns 10 years old! 
Hard to believe we're already into the double digits -- wish time would slow down a little!
Here's the puppy dog cake I made for her party last week!
I got the idea from this Martha Stewart cake (template here). 
 My daughter picked the menu -- chili (w/toppings), festive salad, cheese sandwiches, mini cornmeal muffins, and red velvet cake. 
Here are the little tags I attached to party favors -- M & M's!
Puppies and Polk-a-dot napkins! 


Jennifer said...

Well, from the looks of it you were very busy and she I'm sure was very happy! 10 is such a fun age! My second daughter will be 10 on Dec 20th.

Little Birdie Blessings said...

Great age! What a wonderful party you've given her, spectacular cake. Please say happy birthday to her for me. Thanks for sharing this special day with your online friends. ~ Abby

Winnie said...

What an adorable cake and fun party setup! She must have been so excited. The menu is perfect even for me! I took 3 Wilton cake decorating classes and they were a hoot, so I am sure this was a fun time for you making and decorating the cake. I haven't done a cake in quite some time now that I think of it as I am only cooking for my hubby and I. Maybe for the holidays.

Heather said...

Your cake turned out fabulous!! I bet she and her friends just loved it!! Hope her day was great!!