Monday, January 21, 2013

Knitted Dishcloths

My first attempt at KNITTED dishcloths!
I used a simple and easy pattern for these:
I used the first pattern of the three.
I really like this pattern as it's simple and "mindless" - meaning I can do it w/out having to think about what I'm doing.
I also like the weight of these -- they are very light.
I'm not overly fond of big, thick, heavy dishcloths -- they're too hard for my hands to wring out.
Both the yellow and blue combo and the knitted edge all the way around put make them my favorite dishcloths to date.
Yarn: I Love This Cotton from Hobby Lobby
This set went to a sweet friend as a hostess gift!!
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Little Birdie Blessings said...

These are great Esther. Thanks for the link to the pattern. I might give them a try, even though I'm not a "knitter". You posted a tutorial some time ago about knitting, it was a video. Great job. There's a woman in our bible study that usually bring a few every week and gives them out. ~ Abby

Pam said...

Very nice! You are really doing a great job with knitting! Knitting and crochet is something I haven't learned to do.

Pamela said...

I saw a book at Hobby Lobby with lightweight dishcloths so you must not be the only one that likes them. I almost bought it but there are so many free ones on the web. I'll have to try this after I finish the prayer shawl. I once had a yellow and french blue kitchen.

Pamela said...

Oh and...what yarn did you use?

Jennifer said...

These are so beautiful! I love the colours you've made! Nothing better than using something handmade!

Christa said...

I adore those two colors together! I agree with you about big, thick dishcloths, too. They just don't work for my small hands. Great job!